White Metal Bearings Invests in Modernization with Factory Painting to Embrace Industry 4.0

At the beginning of 2024, we celebrate another significant step towards modernizing our facilities with the revitalization of epoxy coating throughout the factory floor. This initiative was initially planned for 2023, but due to high order demand, we had to postpone the process to January 2024. The factory painting not only enhances an aesthetically pleasing […]

White Metal Mancais Invests in Cutting-Edge Technology with the Acquisition of a New ROMI-D800 Machining Center

In a strategic move to further enhance its processes and services, White Metal Bearings acquired another ROMI-D800 machining center at the end of 2023. This investment reaffirms the company’s commitment to continuous improvement and operational efficiency. White Metal Bearings’ strategic actions in 2023 and for the coming years are focused on significantly improving customer service, […]

Floating seals in injected PPS polymer: In tryout phase

A White Metal investe em tecnologia para fabricação de selos flutuantes em polímero PPS injetado, de baixíssima absorção e excelente estabilidade dimensional, garantindo perfeita vedação.

Aguarde, mais informações em breve.

Combined Bulb Bearings for Kaplan S Turbine

Development, calculations, and complete manufacturing of bulb bearings for the Kaplan S Turbine. With mounting dimensional limitations and the high demands of the equipment, our client requested WM to develop a customized and compact design to meet the loads and high requirements of the equipment. In addition to hydrodynamic calculations, finite element studies were necessary […]

White Metal – A Global Company

Junto aos investimentos na nova planta fabril, os proprietários da WHITE METAL, Sr. Adayl Goes ( Diretor Comercial) e Sr. Paulo Silva (Diretor industrial), aprovaram um aporte financeiro para investimento na área de engenharia com a aquisição de um novo e moderno software para cálculos hidrodinâmicos que permitirá a análise detalhada e refinada de dados para mancais…

Technology in Sliding Bearings

O comprometimento com a qualidade, com os rigorosos requisitos dos produtos e serviços fornecidos e sobretudo com a visão tecnológica e de futuro, celebramos a aquisição de uma nova máquina CNC de medição tridimensional modelo Hexagon Global S 9-20-08…